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Knitting passionately
18 octobre 2007

Better tell you right now...

OK, no idea how to say this so I'll just blurt it out: I HAVEN'T KNIT ANYTHING YET THIS WEEK So, after all those lovely promises of showing you a sock photo on Saturday, I'll probably be putting in a lame photo to cover my sillyness... I could give a...
28 octobre 2007

Another week...

... went by. What a week: On Monday I was up in a factory up North (of France for new-comers) so I got up early and got home not so late for once plus my day went well because our tests worked out great! Then Tuesday was a pretty normal day but Wednesday...
31 octobre 2007

So so happy

I ranted a few weeks ago about a job change, remember ?! So, I got the dream job, the really cool one, the real "step up" one ... yeh yeh yeh... I was sunny and brimming with joy all afternoon (got the news over lunch with futur boss) and generally disrupting...
8 novembre 2007

Plodding along in scarf wasteland

I haven't posted about this yet because it's soooo boring... As the title says, I'm lost in scarf all knit rows wasteland. I've done something like 30 cm from when I took it up again so only another 10-15 to do.I do notice though that I knit really reluctantly...
14 novembre 2007

One more FO ! so what do I do now ?!

I messed up the photo so no proof... but I've finished the blue socks!!! So, now the big question is, what should I cast on now ?The scarf is finishedAll socks are paired upThe bathroom recipient is in use in the bathroomSo, maybe I should be doing the...
4 décembre 2007

New job, new pay ...

... but no place to sit and work !!! Yup, that"s right, on Friday new boss said on Monday you have to move to our office so I thought yeah right you're not serious but I couldn't really tell if he was or not. So this morning I put my stuff down in old...
10 février 2009


We just found out at work that the following weeks, the place will be closed due to financial difficulties : 9, 13, 17, 21 & 25... Wow, that's alot of knitting time! with no consequences on my pay ... on the plus side.On the minus side, how am I going...
4 décembre 2007

The promised photo

The promised photo
Here are the November socks : I tried to do upclose ones but they're all blurry...Have I already said, I'm really proud of these ???!!!! Got to go get dressed now, work is waiting...
5 février 2009

The forgotten FO

The forgotten FO
On the 11th Jan, I promised you an FO picture. I forgot all about that promise until I realized I hadn't shown you!!! One Jesse hat: Quick knit: only 2 days !Needles: 5 mm circsYarn: Dream in Colour ClassyCast on: 10th JanCast off: 11th JanNo modifications....
15 février 2009

Ranger hat finished

Ranger hat finished
So, the ranger hat is done !This one was a battle of its' own... the stripeing, the travelling stitches, the decreases at the top because I didn't have a compatible amount of stitches at the top... anyway, it's done and it's pretty but manly and it's...
15 novembre 2007

Oh wow!

as I said oh wow ! I'M IN RAVELRY.... I can't believe it.. I looked just 2 days ago and there were over 2000 people in front of me in the queue... They must really be going for it in the invite zone... Tell you more about it as soon as I have had my first...
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Knitting passionately